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1. Football offensive end
2. Old English
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


symbol for
(Units) oersted


abbreviation for
(Languages) Old English (language)

(Biography) Kenzaburo (kɛnzəˈbʊrəʊ). born 1935, Japanese novelist and writer; his books include The Catch (1958), A Personal Matter (1964), and Silent Cry (1989): Nobel prize for literature 1994
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈoʊ eɪ)
Kenzaburo, born 1935, Japanese novelist: Nobel prize 1994.


or O.E.,

Old English.


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The colors that show best by candle-light are white, carnation, and a kind of sea-water-green; and oes, or spangs, as they are of no great cost, so they are of most glory.
The combination of sampling and response patterns described above shape the composition of establishments that respond more than once to the OES survey, sometimes in opposing ways.
OES executive chairman Richard Upshall, who collected the award with CEO Euan Lockhart, said: "This is the culmination of not only 20 years in the industry, but also of the vision I had to involve professionals from other industries in bringing the oilfield inspection business forward and up to date.
Established by entrepreneur, Richard Upshall in 2006, the company, which forms part of OES Oilfield Services Group that was founded in the Arabian Gulf in 1996, has experienced a great deal of success on North Sea projects and the Group now employs approximately 100 UK-based inspectors as well as an additional 15 staff at its Stockton office and three more operating in Aberdeen.
The Oxford Instruments line of OES systems includes both stationary (Foundry Master series) and portable (PMI Master series) options.
Other OES publications can help you understand percentile wages and some of the factors that might affect wages in an occupation.
Mas um Bem que nao e uma ideia abstrata, nem uma vivencia individual, e sim uma construcao contrafatica ao mal que se materializa no sofrimento do outro, no padecimento das pessoas de carne e osso atingidas pelas violencias e negligencias de ac oes concretas acumuladas na e pela historia.
The OES stall- spearheaded by Malik Riaz Awan (GM HVACR, OES) and his team showcased its brands to a wide array of audience, both consumer and industrial.
OES also supports the expanding set of regional networks that play a key role in tackling cross-border wildlife crime.
Midea is a Chinese manufacturer and exporter covering a range of products in air conditioning systems, home appliances, lighting motors, compressors and other industrial components some of which would now be available in Pakistan through OES.
No entanto, um conjunto de dados cientificos op oe-se as acepc oes anteriores que caracterizariam o perfil e o repertorio de habilidades sociais (1) dos individuos com sindrome de Down.
Certified interoperability of Atempo Time Navigator with Novell OES 2 enables joint customers to experience the full benefits of Atempo's flagship backup and recovery solution.