
Related to ordines: Ondine's curse


A plural of ordo.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dutch Catholic humanist philosopher Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) organized his work for posthumous publication into nine "ordines" devoted to different literary or thematic categories.
The topics include the survival of customary justice and resistant to its displacement by the new Ordines Iudiciorum as evidence by francophone literature of the high middle ages, women as victims and criminals in the Siete Partidas, wardens and jailers in 14th-century southern France, equal opportunity vengeance in the Heptameron of Marguerite de Navarre, and some cozeners in Shakespeare's England.
"The Origin and Development of Quasi-Dramatic Passion Music" studies a broad chronological range of material from the earliest ordines and chant manuscripts through the seventeenth century.
Tiene en cuenta los citados ordines asi como a la constitucion apostolica Universi Dominici Gregis (1996) en lo que se refiere a la vacacion de la Sede Apostolica y la posterior eleccion pontificia.
(46.) Conring maintained the same point of view throughout the text by speaking consistently about Germany (Germania) on the one hand and the Roman empire (imperium Romanum) on the other, but never simply of a "German empire." He returned to the usage "German empire" about ten years later in the De finibus imperii Germanici (1654), again in De pace perpetua inter imperii Germanici ordines religione dissidentes servanda (1657), and above all the Exercitationes academicae de republica imperii Germanici (1674).
Chapter 3 divides Roman society into an upper and lower stratum with gradations in each: the upper includes the ordines and ruling families, the wealthy, and their retainers; the lower incorporates the relatively and the absolutely poor.
Adrian Nocent, better known for his work on the early Roman sacramentaries and Ordines, looks at the historical paradigms used in the making of the present 'Typica' liturgical books, particularly RCIA and the marriage rites.
Among their topics are violence and animality: an investigation of absolute freedom in Foucault's History of Madness, dressage: training the equine body, animals as biopolitical subjects, Apum ordines: of bees and government, and Foucault and the ethics of eating.
In general, monks exerted an all-pervasive influence on the development of penance by writing liturgical ordines and narrative texts, educating priests who served churches dependent on monastic houses, and dispensing pastoral care.