
Related to ouistiti: marmoset


(Animals) a South American monkey of the family Hapalidae, esp Hapale jacchus
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References in periodicals archive ?
/ Sagouin, makio ou mandarille / Ouistiti, sapajou, gorille / Depuis la tete jusqu'au dos / Vous me rapporterez la peau.
Then, thus transformed, the newly created "man" would marry the savant's daughter Ouistitine -- whose name was actually a play upon the name of a type of monkey, the "Ouistitis"(54) -- and the reverence that the savant felt for his ancestors the apes would be made manifest.
Cezilly, Frank, Luc-Alain Giraldeau, and Guy Theraulaz (2006), Les societes animales :lions fournis et ouistitis. Paris: Editions le Pommier.
However, the use of other primates such as ouistitis and macaques will be allowed, where there are no alternative methods of developing medicines for neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease.