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outside or outlying
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References in periodicals archive ?
Cleveland Policesaid last week that more than 2,000 lines of inquiry and 200 interviews have been carried outby police officers in the murder probe.
In one of his many interviews he claimedMeghan, 36, is "terrified" in her new role as a duchess and that Harry's mumDiana would have "loathed" the way he is being frozen outby the Royal Family.
There are various reforms that have beencarried outby WisDOT in the past few years to more effectively spend the $3 billion the department receives in its yearly budgets.
The troubled department store chain was bought outby Sports Direct in Augustfor [pounds sterling]90 million, just weeks after the company announced 31 of its 59 stores would have to close.
Yet it said a lot that Kane - as pointed outby Match Of The Day- was forced to drop into deeper positions to pick up possession, such was the balance and discipline displayed by the visitors.
Pakes lefttheDA's office to be legal counsel for the SPD after getting burned outby the day-to-day grind of prosecution work anddeciding she wanted to spend more time with her family.
Last week, a number of black cab drivers from Coventry protested outside Wolverhampton Civic Centre,claiming that licenses handed outby the Black Country council are damaging local trade.
The project is being carried outby North Tyneside Council,in partnership with its contractors Robertson Construction and designers ADP.
However,the effort was ruled outby referee Darren England who adjudged the midfielder to have kicked the ball out of the grasp of Royals' Italian goalkeeper Vito Mannone.
As the longwall face advances toward the roadway, the front abutment pressure, previously carried by a panel fender, rapidly transfers to the support system installed in the roadway and onto the outby pillar [15].