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Related to overburn: burnout


vb (tr)
1. (General Physics) to copy (information, music, etc) onto a CD over previously recorded data
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) to burn too much or for too long
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References in periodicals archive ?
The timing was critical; an overburn of just a matter of seconds might slow the command module enough to crash it.
Four cars were deliberately set ablaze in the yard of Overburn Automotive Ltd, in Neilston Road, just before midnight onThursday, March 28.
Hunter, 2 Overburn Cottages, Lamington, Biggar ML12 6HP.
P is the surfasce overburn of the metal, F(S,t the surface temperature of the metal, [H.sub.F] the limit temperature for scale formation, [a.sub.S] the aggressivity coefficient of combustion product ([H.sub.F] and [[alpha].sub.S] are considered as given for the purposes of simulation).
The drying temperature will be set to avoid the fabric overburn. Finally, the fabric will be rolled on the A-frame device (used for layers).
The difference between the electrode and the workpiece gap is called the "overcut" or "overburn." The amount of overcut will vary according to the amount of current, lon times, type of electrode and workpiece material.
Emergency crews raced to reports of a blaze at Overburn Automotive Ltd, in Neilston Road, just before midnight on Thursday.
Hunter, 2 Overburn Cottage, Lamington, Biggar, ML12 6HP.
Now we have to program only one electrode with one overburn instead of having a rougher 0.015[inches] undersize and finishers 0.0025[inches] under," he says.
Crooks targeted Overburn Automotive Ltd on Neilston Road between 6pm on Sunday and 9am on Monday.
Because most of these affect overburn and surface finish, no allowances can be made for fine-detail areas as opposed to large flat areas.