

1. to live longer than (another person)
2. to survive or outlive (an event)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: overlived
Gerund: overliving

I overlive
you overlive
he/she/it overlives
we overlive
you overlive
they overlive
I overlived
you overlived
he/she/it overlived
we overlived
you overlived
they overlived
Present Continuous
I am overliving
you are overliving
he/she/it is overliving
we are overliving
you are overliving
they are overliving
Present Perfect
I have overlived
you have overlived
he/she/it has overlived
we have overlived
you have overlived
they have overlived
Past Continuous
I was overliving
you were overliving
he/she/it was overliving
we were overliving
you were overliving
they were overliving
Past Perfect
I had overlived
you had overlived
he/she/it had overlived
we had overlived
you had overlived
they had overlived
I will overlive
you will overlive
he/she/it will overlive
we will overlive
you will overlive
they will overlive
Future Perfect
I will have overlived
you will have overlived
he/she/it will have overlived
we will have overlived
you will have overlived
they will have overlived
Future Continuous
I will be overliving
you will be overliving
he/she/it will be overliving
we will be overliving
you will be overliving
they will be overliving
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been overliving
you have been overliving
he/she/it has been overliving
we have been overliving
you have been overliving
they have been overliving
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been overliving
you will have been overliving
he/she/it will have been overliving
we will have been overliving
you will have been overliving
they will have been overliving
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been overliving
you had been overliving
he/she/it had been overliving
we had been overliving
you had been overliving
they had been overliving
I would overlive
you would overlive
he/she/it would overlive
we would overlive
you would overlive
they would overlive
Past Conditional
I would have overlived
you would have overlived
he/she/it would have overlived
we would have overlived
you would have overlived
they would have overlived
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
why do I overlive, Why am I mockt with death, and length'nd out To deathless pain?
"Why do I overlive?" asks Milton's Adam, after eating the forbidden fruit,
The difficulty with any bright-line postmortem survival (or "overlive") requirement is that it is arbitrary.
(47.) For a case litigating whether a beneficiary had satisfied or failed to satisfy an overlive requirement by five minutes, see Estate of Davies, 26 Cal.
Even longer overlive requirements appear sporadically in wills, e.g., In re Estate of Keller, 46 P.3d 1135, 1136 (Kan.
773-75: 'Why do I overlive, | Why am I mocked with death, and lengthened out | To deathless pain?', and claims that the works discussed include a common theme of living too long, not being able to die.
Social order in Utopia extends even to an ordering of the time of one's own death, which in Utopia one can "overlive." In effect, then, this description of individual mortality in Utopia represents the opposite of Hythloday's theory: here it is the self which may resist death and the social order which attempts to effect it.
Through him you Get revenge, Persist, endure, Overlive, overwhelm, Get on top.
22), where Milton's Adam asked--like Tennyson's Tithonus--"Why do I overlive?" (78)