

too wide
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The file contains 1 Supplementary Method and 5 Supplementary Tables: Supplementary Method 1: string used on Scopus database to retrieve the overwide literature for scientometric analyses (Scopus database search: February 2, 2018).
Currently, Musser Run at the proposed restoration site is overwide and the stream habitat is degraded by stream bank erosion and fine sediment deposition.
Manual re-inflation results in the product being overwide by up to 0.75 in.
And, as such, they are more likely to be caught erroneously in miscast or overwide police nets.
My effort, The Lone Ranger, opened with these forgettable lines: First from Wisconsin's cold and sleet, Then east from the desert's arid heat, He came with sideburns and overwide ties, "Do strict construction!", Nixon advised, "and from Warren's antics bring relief!" So came the Lone Ranger, our Boss, (now) the Chief.
Vehicle tire with reinforcement beneath overwide circumferential tread groove
Davis's American Opera Singer: The Lives and Adventures of America's Great Singers in Opera and Concert from 1825 to the Present (1.5) is neither dictionary nor encyclopedia; its inclusion and the overwide scope of this chapter reflect the "difficult choices" of selection McTyre mentions in her preface (p.
Bloeckman is a "stoutening, ruddy Jew of about thirty-five, with an expressive face under smooth sandy hair" who introduces himself "with a little too evident assurance" and emits "two slender strings of smoke from nostrils overwide" (93-94).
The first, without the exception clause of the loose tolerance rules, leads to vastly overwide applications of phenomenal predicates.