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 (ō′void′) also o·voi·dal (ō-void′l)
Shaped like an egg: an ovoid fruit; ovoid spots.
Something that is shaped like an egg.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


another word for ovoid
something that is egg-shaped
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Resembling an egg in shape:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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To investigate, he and Halevy turned to tiny ovoidal grains - ooids - composed of fine concentric layers of ancient iron oxides.
Suliformes: Phalacrocorax brasilianus "cushuri", comun durante todo el ano, nadando en las lagunas y volando en la linea costera; la anidacion del cormoran es colonial, junto con la garza bueyera y garcita blanca; el nido es de junco sobre el totoral flotante en medio de la laguna, y alojan de 3 a 4 huevos que son de forma ovoidal y eliptica, celeste claro, frecuentemente cubiertos por las heces del cormoran que les da la apariencia de color blanco (Koepcke 1964); los polluelos son nidicolas y permanecen en el nido hasta un mes despues de la eclosion (Amaro & Goyoneche 2017).
During a full physical examination a complex lesion was identified on the lateral aspect of the right upper arm: a discolored, roughly ovoidal skin patch of 2/1.2 cm in diameter; an elevated, vegetating light brown nevus anteriorly and inferiorly to the previous lesion, without apparent contact to it, with a wide base and clearly defined edges, a slightly discolored superficial layer, oblong and 2.3/1.5 cm in diameter, which the patient declared had been there since childhood and had not caused any problems; another, smaller lesion (0.8/0.5 cm) at a distance of about 1 cm from both of the two previous ones, deep brown with tonal variations, with undefined edges and a slightly elevated surface, which the patient declared was rather new, but which he had ignored thus far.
Hornitos 01 Cuadrangular (n=2), Buliforme esferico (n=12), (n=15), poligonal (n=61), tricoma (n=1), circular (n=2), indeterminado ovoidal (n=1), oval (n=4), (n=30), circular rectangular (n=1), compuesto (n=2), globular (n=5), paquete (n=4), (n=1), poligonal poligonal (n=53), (n=3), cilindrico globular (n=19).
STEM images recorded at small magnifications for the complex MnTTPCl/n-Au exposed to [beta]-carotene display large ovoidal structures with lacey edges (Figure 12).
The two monuments--the ovoidal Prometheus and the sandglass-like Endless Column--were therefore conceived of, consciously or unconsciously, as representing, each one in turn, one of the two faces of Janus Bifrons, the past and the future.
De los FMO encontrados, se considero su presencia (unilateral o bilateral), la cantidad de foramenes por orbita (unicos o multiples), su forma (circular, ovoidal o ranura), su ubicacion en relacion al plano horizontal determinado por el extremo lateral de la FOS (por encima del plano, en el mismo plano o debajo de este plano), su distancia del extremo lateral de la FOS, la dimension de su diametro mayor y sus diferencias sexuales.
Paired spermathecae in 8 and 9; the voluminous and ovoidal ampulla joins a duct as long as the ampulla diameter.