

resembling a peg
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macrotis pelo seu tamanho menor e pelo "anterior upper premolar is peglike and lacks well-defined anterior and posterior cusps in [anterior upper premolar]", enquanto P.
The gnathos of this species has a series of peglike teeth, which are absent in Sonagara strigipennis, the type species of genus Sonagara.
It is probable that the fourteen specialized sensilla (presented below) should be regarded as ones that have evolved from plesiomorphous peglike sensilla or/and cupola sensilla.
Camarasaurus, a large herbivorous sauropod with peglike teeth, probably had fleshy cheeks that could forma seal and hold a mouthful of vegetation.
The basic relationship between hanger and hung, reiterated in the exhibition's title, "hook & eye," is central to the works themselves, which include both hook- and peglike appendages from which other items dangle, and holes through which assorted material is inserted and woven.
11), whereas in Gnidia the apertures are peglike and cover part of the outer (non-lumen) surface of the pit cavity as well as the aperture rim (Fig.
Also, squid in the stomachs of sperm whales do not show any evidence of having been bitten by the whales' peglike teeth.
Along with the latter animals, it is placed in an ancient order once called Edentata, which translated literally means "without teeth." Unlike anteaters, however, the armadillo does have a set of simple, peglike cylinders of dentine.
Whereas M3 is a simple peglike tooth, m3 is slightly more complex, consisting of a reduced protoconid/ metaconid pair.
8) discrete with setae dispersed over entire surface, each with pair of apical peglike setae.
NUTCRACKER MAN, A MEMBER OF THE human evolutionary family best known for having massive jaws, peglike teeth and huge chewing muscles, was just an old softy.