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(Elements & Compounds) a colourless flammable liquid alkene having several straight-chained isomeric forms, used in the manufacture of organic compounds. Formula: C5H10. Also called: amylene or pentylene
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Pentene has six isomers: 1-pentene (RON = 90.9 and MON = 77.1 [57]), cis-2-pentene (unknown octane number), trans-2-pentene (RON = 94 and MON = 80 [57]), 2-methyl-1-butene (RON = 100.2 and MON = 81.9 [API]), 2- methyl-2-butene (RON = 97.3 and MON = 84.7 [58]), and 3- methyl-1-butene (unknown octane number) as shown in Figure 4.
These peaks are attributed to ethylene and higher oligomers (propylene, butene, pentene, hexene as well as a series of alkanes), which arise from hydrogen transfer to different positions along the polymer chain [16].
Process Membrane materials Hydrogen sulfide Cellulose acetate (UOP) separation Polyether-block-amide Polyamide Polyether-urethane-urea Carbon dioxide Cellulose triacetate capture (Cynara) Cellulose acetate (UOP) Polyimide (UBE) Polyether-block-amide Polysulfone Polyamide Polyether-urethane- urea Hydrogen recovery Cellulose acetate (Separex) Polysulfone (PRISM) Polyimide (UBE) Polyetherimide Air separation Cellulose acetate Polysulfone (UOP) Poly(4-methyl-1- pentene) (GENERON) Polydimethylsiloxane (PRISM) Polyimide Polyamide Polyetherimide Water removal Polydimethylsiloxane (PRISM) Cellulose acetate Polysulfone Polyether-block-amide Polyimide VOC recovery Polydimethylsiloxane (GKSS) Polyimide (Upjohn) LPG Polydimethylsiloxane Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl) -1-propyne] NG: natural gas.
Iran will presently export its first pentene consignment.