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or per·due  (pər-do͞o′, -dyo͞o′)
n. Obsolete
A soldier sent on an especially dangerous mission.

[French perdu, masculine past participle, and perdue, feminine past participle (as in sentinelle perdue, lost sentry, sentry posted in a position in which death is likely) of perdre, to lose, from Latin perdere; see perdition.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈpɜːdjuː) or


1. (Military) obsolete (of a soldier) placed on hazardous sentry duty
2. (Military) obsolete (of a soldier) placed in a hazardous ambush
3. (of a person or thing) hidden or concealed
4. (Military) obsolete a soldier placed on hazardous sentry duty
5. (Military) obsolete a soldier placed in a hazardous ambush
[C16: via French: lost, from perdre to lose, from Latin perdere to destroy]


(Placename) Mont Perdu the French name for (Monte) Perdido
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or per•due

(pərˈdu, -ˈdyu, pɛr-)

adj., n., pl. -dus or -dues. adj.
1. hidden; concealed; obscured.
2. Obs. a soldier assigned to a very dangerous mission or position.
[1585–95; < French: lost, past participle of perdre < Latin perdere to lose; see perdition]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
While he lay perdu in Steward's stateroom, his voice was the one thing that was not to be heard, so Kwaque was forced to seek the solace of his jews' harp in the sweltering heat of the gratings over the fire-room.
Besides, a big house here, and especially in this quartier perdu, proves nothing at all: it is perfectly compatible with a state of penury.
En depit de sa victoire, l'aventure du club guineen a pris fin apres avoir lourdement perdu 0-3 au match aller du tour preliminaire, joue le week-end dernier en Algerie.
Magistrates took just minutes to clear Otto Prins of the alleged Halloween attack on 19-year-old Lauryn Parker at Perdu.
Nous avons perdu tout un pan de production car la crise et l'importation ont contraint de nombreuses entreprises a mettre la cle sous le paillasson.
Lauryn Parker claims she was left bruised and shocked after a burly bouncer repeatedly kneed her and held her to a flight of stairs in the Perdu nightclub in Newcastle.
Abdul Jelilou Ouro Kefia is accused of leaving Thomas Skidmore with serious injuries at Perdu, on Newcastle's 'Diamond Strip'.
This book takes us on a voyage with Jean Perdu on his barge, the Literary Apothecary.
Actualites Eecrit par Mohamed Nait Youssef [beaucoup moins que]A la recherche du pouvoir perdu [beaucoup plus grand que] de Mohamed Ahed Bensouda A pres son film [beaucoup moins que]Derriere les portes fermees [beaucoup plus grand que] sur le harcelement des femmes en milieu professionnel, le realisateur marocain Mohamed Ahed Bensouda est de retour avec un nouveau long metrage.