

adj, -tier or -tiest
bothersome or irritating
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and Ethelred uplifted his mace, and struck upon the head of the dragon, which fell before him, and gave up his pesty breath, with a shriek so horrid and harsh, and withal so piercing, that Ethelred had fain to close his ears with his hands against the dreadful noise of it, the like whereof was never before heard."
Chirping birds, bawling babies and pesty pups might as well fly off with Thanos in a snap, to another alliteration universe.
Helen Pesty Logan: "It seems like a bad move as it's promoting food waste and the unavoidable use of plastic.
Check out our ( common cold prevention ( guide  to keep you from catching a pesty cold this season.
The successful agent for destroying pesty insects, the microscopic bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, is most effective when it is dusted onto tobacco or other plants....
For reasoning about emotion, the majority of the models use theories that have not originated from an educational setting (Conati & Maclaren, 2009; Jaques, Vicari, Pesty, & Martin, 2011; Landowska, 2013).
[20] S Abras, S Ploix, S Pesty, and M Jacomino." A multi- agent design for a home automation system dedicated to power management".
The Museum of Broadcast Communications is honoring SC Johnson's well-known Raid bugs as one of "Advertising's 10 Greatest Icons." In addition to the recognition, the pesty Raid bugs are included in a multimedia exhibition running at the Museum now through Oct.
The brothers give it their best shot, but for some reason, their musical about the Black Death ("That pesty little pestilence is killing half of Europe /It's the Black Death--mmm-mmm-woo-woo--and it's coming for you-oo") doesn't please their patron, Lord Clapham (Peter Bartlett, amusing).
"Ma MacDonald Flees the Farm" is a hilarious reinterpretation of a familiar jingle story with a pesty twist.
Y, el establecimiento de la microbiota gastrointestinal sera semejante al del animal convencional segun Gordon y Pesty (1971), solo cuando sean coleccionadas grandes cantidades de microorganismos de heces y de contenido intestinal de un animal convencional sano, sin la intervencion de medios de cultivos.