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(Chemistry) chem a phenic acid salt
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A subset of compounds (2,4-D; 2,4-DP; MCPA; MCPP; 2-phenyl phenate; triclosan) were quantified by negative electrospray ionization (ESI -).
The PH stands for Phenate Hexamine and came into use in 1915.
Analytical methods: Quantification during reduction of substrate concentrations (N[H.sub.4.sup.+] y N[O.sup.2.sub.-]) and increases in the products (N[O.sub.2.sup.-]) was carried out using the 4 500--N[H.sub.4.sup.+]-F phenate method for ammonium, and the 4 500--NO-2-B colorimetric method for nitrite in samples taken from the systems every eight days (Eaton, Clesceri, & Greenberg, 1995).
These additives include zinc dialkyldithiophosphate, which contains zinc, sulfur, and phosphorous; calcium phenate, which contains calcium; and molybdenum disulfide, which contains molybdenum and sulfur.
Ammonium-nitrogen (N[H.sub.4.sup.+]-N) and nitrite-nitrogen (N[O.sub.2.sup.-]-N) were determined by the phenate method and colorimetric diazotization method, respectively.
Nutrients such as nitrite and ammonium were determined by cadmium reduction and phenate methods respectively.
Nitrate-N and TAN were measured by the cadmium reduction method (Method 4500 Nitrate) and automated phenate method (Method 4500 Ammonia G), respectively (Rice et al.