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A toxic liquid, C7H17O2PS3, used as an insecticide especially in soil treatment.

[(phos)phor(us) + (dithio)ate (di- + thio- + -ate).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Agriculture) agriculture a highly poisonous type of pesticide used to control insects and mites
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈfɔr eɪt, ˈfoʊr-)

a systemic insecticide, C7H17O2PS3, used esp. as a soil treatment.
[1955–60; probably by shortening of the name of one of its chemical components, (phos)phor(odithio)ate]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Eggs, Phorate and its Homogenized sample (5 g) was chicken, metabolites extracted with 15 mL of 1% AcOH in and pork MeCN in the presence of MgS[O.sub.4] and NaOAc; the supernatant was reextracted with 1% AcOH in MeCN, cleaned up with MgS[O.sub.4], PSA, and [C.sub.18].
She then compared ten milligrams of VX nerve agent to an extremely toxic insecticide named Phorate, and said 72,000 milligrams of the substance was needed to cause death via skin absorption.
Percentage % Chlorpyrifos 13 26 Dichlorvos 12 24 Quinalphos 7 14 Methyl Parathion 4 8 Monocrotophos 3 6 Parathion 3 6 Phorate 3 6 Dimethoate 2 4 Diazinon 1 2 Pantothenate 1 2 Profenofos 1 2 Table 3.
The separation of the 8 OPPs (acephate, chlorpyriphos, chlorpyriphos-methyl, diazinon, methamidophos, methidathion, phorate, pirimiphos-methyl) was done through liquid partition and then clean-up with solid phase extraction.
FMOs catalyze the oxidative metabolism clinically important drug, including morphine, cocaine, nicotine, tamoxifen, fluoxetine, methimazole, chlorpromazine, imipramine, benzydamin, itoprid and clozapine; environmental toxins, including phorate, fonofos, aldicarb; endogenous substrates, including triamine, trimethylamine, catecholamines, cysteamine and methionine.
Secondary poisoning of birds of prey by the organophosphorus insecticide, phorate. Ecotoxicology, 6:219-231.
The wide application of organophosphorous (OP) insecticides such as Chlorpyrifos, phorate, malathion, dichlorvos, are employed for plant protection against insect pests.
Among the chemicals tested earlier for managing root knot nematodes in tuberose, the nursery bed treatment with carbofuran or phorate at 60g/m2 (Parvatha Reddy and Rao, 2001) and soil application of aldicarb at 20 mg/plant or carbofuran 3G at 10-20 g/plant were proved most effective.
Similarly, in 2012 in potatoes, the top 10 insecticides applied by weight included the broad-spectrum materials phorate, carbaryl, esfenvalerate and methomyl.
[126.] Mohanty G, Mohanty J, Nayak AK, Mohanty S, Dutta SK (2011) Application of comet assay in the study of DNA damage and recovery in rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings after an exposure to phorate, an organophosphate pesticide.