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(Cookery) cookery US a type of flat dry bread that is baked in very thin sheets which are then rolled up together, made by the Hopi people from blue cornmeal
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Engari, ma te mahi tahi ka taea e tatou te piki i nga taumata angitu.
Asked who the other Filipino partner is, Ang said, "Piki Lopez." He was referring to First Gen Corp.
(21) Selgus, et kabeli laanesein kulges piki Ruutli tanavat ja pohjasein asus praegusest kiriku pohjakulje kabelite joonest monevorra pohja pool.
Ilmalik isand oleks niiviisi majutatud valjapoole munkade territooriumi kokkuleppelist piiri, mis vois kulgeda piki lounatiiva valisseina joont.
During that time, she experienced many ups and downs--nga piki me nga heke--including balancing her studies with learning te reo at night classes, financial struggles, her father becoming very ill and her relationship with her partner ending.
Naabermaadest teada olevatele sadamakohtadele on iseloomulik kultuurkihi ulatumine piki (kunagist) randa ja mitte kuigi palju sisemaa poole.
The theme--Getting Better Together, Kia piki te or a I roto I a tatou katoa--is currently linked to NZNO's district health board (DHB) sector.
Piki Te Ora nurse Rachel Fahy said discussing issues with Other PHC nurses and focusing soley on PHC issues was invaluable.
This issue of Kai Tioki Nursing New Zealand features a number of nursing innovations: Piki Te Ora Nursing Services Ltd (p12-13) which is improving access to services for Maori in Taranaki; nurses in Westport and Hokitika changing their practice to meet local needs (p20-22); nursing students transforming an overgrown reserve into a place of health and recreation (p23); and Choices/Kahungunu Health Services running an indoor sports court and gym enabling clients to improve their physical health and well-being (p35).
With the help and guidance of whanau, kaumatua and kuia they named this service Piki Te Ora ("lift up your health") Nursing Services Ltd.
Christchurch's first PHO, Piki Te Ora (Union and Community Health Service), has managed to keeps fees at a level the population it caters for can afford.