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1. A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.
2. A mark or scar left in the skin by such a pustule; a pockmark.
tr.v. pocked, pock·ing, pocks
To mark with pocks; pit.

[Middle English pokke, from Old English pocc.]

pock′y adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈpɒk i)

adj. pock•i•er, pock•i•est.
covered with pocks.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Maybe only next to Claire's surprisingly smooth-sailing recreation of gourmet Pocky, this is probably the best thing you'll see all week-unless you've already seen this 12 years ago before it was cool.
The pickle of chopped vegetables, mustard and hot spices was rated the tastiest of the A-Z of food samples comprising 25 different tests ranging from pakora to Chinese fortune cookies and Japanese pocky sticks to Spanish chorizo.
Exciting limited-edition collaborations also abound: Chili Crab Ramen by Ippudo and No Signboard (available at the former's Mandarin Gallery and Marina Bay Sands locations) Ya Kun Kaya Toast and Kopi O x Pocky pretzel sets (available at STREAT and all Ya Kun outlets) a buah keluak burger by Malcolm Lee of Michelin-starred Peranakan restaurant Candlenut and Park Bench Deli (at the latter's location).
It's genre on the surface, subversive in the details -- the way the kids kick off their shoes before they scamper into the house, the boxes of Pocky, the mean waitresses at dingy-delicious Chinese restaurants.
Though this isn't the first time HallyuCY celebrates this day of love, it's an event they organise every year and its main character -- the Pepero chocolate-covered cookie sticks, or Pocky as they are known in Japan.
"In our 41-year existence in Denver, we have helped hundreds of Colorado businesses grow and prosper by providing them marketing big ideas," says Pocky Marranzino, who serves as co-CEO with Kathy Hagan Brown, co-founder Tom Hagan's daughter.
Alana spent the afternoon playing, interacting and cooking with a group of children from the Children's Hearing Foundation at the Wanmei Studio x Pocky Deco Art (Studio x Pocky Deco Art) promotional event space.
The packaging for Pocky Japanese snacks plays gay when you buy two and place them together
Last week, he also posted a photo of the chocolate biscuit snack Pocky with the hashtag #2018, seemingly teasing the 2018 version of Android P, as pointed out by (https://9to5google.com/2017/02/20/hiroshi-lockheimer-android-oreo-teasing/) 9To5Google.