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(General Physics) physics a kind of electron
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Polaron Solartech is a well-established solar system solution provider providing turnkey solutions in Canada.
Dried samples were positioned on aluminum stubs with double stick tape prior to gold coating in a sputter coater (SC7640, Polaron, Sussex, UK).
An absorption band of the polymer at 298 nm corresponds to valance band to conduction band and a shoulder around 350 nm is due to polaron level to [[pi].sup.*] conduction band.
Anantharaman, "Evidence for polaron conduction in nanostructured manganese ferrite," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.
Among the topics are optical properties of nanostructured metamaterials, magnetic second-harmonic generation from interfaces and nanostructures, reflection anisotropy spectroscopy studies of thiolate/metal interfaces, the decisive role of interface phonons in polaron state formation in quantum nanostructures, and towards the ab initio calculation of the circular dichroism of peptides.
In brief, stored cultures were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in compliance with the critical point method (Polaron E3100 Critical Point Drier; Polaron Equipment Ltd., Watford, UK).
The specimens were shadow-coated in a sputter coater (Polaron SEM Coating Unit E 5100 Series II'Cool' Sputter Coater) with a thin film of gold-palladium alloy for 5 min and viewed using a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-35) at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV.
Additionally, the incorporation of TM ion can be described by the mechanism of hopping of small polarons among its different valence states, this polaron hopping mechanism depends greatly on the concentration of the doped TM ion.