

(Medicine) med after injury from burns
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Marjolin's ulcer is commonly present on chronic wounds including postburn scar, venous ulcers, osteomyelitis ulcer, sinuses, and nonhealing pressure ulcer.
However, the effect of shifting cultivation (particularly burning and postburn cultivation) on SOC dynamics in hilly ecosystems has not been adequately studied and remains poorly understood.
The use of subcutaneous-pedicle flaps in the treatment of postburn scar contractures.
Our findings also emphasize the utility of awake FFB nasal intubation in postburn pediatric patients with fixed flexion deformity related nonalignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal planes for intubation [2, 4], provided that measures to enable sufficient patient cooperation were implied.
Yu et al., "Astragalus polysaccharides attenuate postburn sepsisvia inhibiting negative immunoregulation of CD4+CD25highT cells," PLoS ONE, vol.
[18] measured the explosion field temperature of TBX to investigate the influence of postburn effect and the results showed that the effect could obviously increase the temperature of explosive products and make it keep at high level for a long time.
Traber et al., "Postburn gastrointestinal vasoconstriction increases bacterial and endotoxin translocation," Journal of Applied Physiology, vol.
Comparison of postburn capillary permeability in soft tissue and lung.
[3, 4] This study was conducted with the aim to observe different patterns of posttraumatic contracture in hand producing variable positional deformity and functional impairment and to assess the result of various treatment modalities in minimizing the effect of postburn contracture of hand.
Some patients have observed that intake of certain foods exacerbates their postburn pruritus.