

following the administration of a drug
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% MPE=[(postdrug latency-baseline latency)/(cut-of value-baseline latency)]x100.
The postdrug run of 250 trials and behavioral recordings run started 30 min later.
Regardless of any kind of drug inducing liver injury, injured hepatocytes have great recoverability postdrug withdrawal.
Increased heat shock protein 70 gene expression in the brains of cocaine-related fatalities may be reflective of postdrug survival and intervention rather than excited delirium.
[22] state that according to results of their study in which they examine the anterior chamber and choroidal changes after a single drop mydriatic application there exists no significant statistical difference between pre- and postdrug anterior chamber parameters and choroidal thickness values for placebo and phenylephrine groups.
The values of serum alkaline phosphatase, however, were significantly different between various groups at all pre- and postdrug measurements.
In order to calculate % maximal antinociceptive effects (% MPE), tail-flick and hot-plate latencies (in seconds) were converted to percent antinociceptive effect using the following equation: % MPE = [(Postdrug latency-Baseline latency) / (Cutoff value -Baseline latency)] x 100.
- used as a positive control), or with the vehicle (Tween 80 0.1%) and after 1 h (EEMO and AXyl) or 15 min (fentanyl) postdrug latency was evaluated as described before.
We then measured postdrug and postnoise compound action potentials and cochlear microphonic thresholds.
A change in the pattern of correlations for level of disability was demonstrated between the predrug versus postdrug trial periods, although this finding was anticipated because of the drug's effect.