

vb (tr)
(Metallurgy) metallurgy to heat a material (usually metal) after welding or treating to relieve stresses
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Also, during postheat treatment, the sample-reactor system was allowed to cool-down to room temperature prior to it being opened, thereby allowing steam to condense back on the test samples.
They manufacture pre- and postheat treat components with hardness up to 62 RC.
They are not easily differentiated by magnets, but should be identified in order to determine proper preheat and postheat temperature for hardbanding applications.
Briefly, gill samples were excised 48 b postheat shock, weighed, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored al -80[degrees]C.
Postheat treatment of PVA sheets, to temperatures up to 0.7 of the melting temperature, [T.sub.m], can improve the mechanical properties.
Among these methods, NTi[O.sub.2] powders were mainly prepared either by calcination of Ti[O.sub.2] powders under nitrogen containing atmosphere or by postheat treatment of the Sol-Gel/hydrothermally prepared amorphous Ti[O.sub.2] with nitrogen agents at high temperature for both doping nitrogen atoms into the Ti[O.sub.2] lattice and crystallization.
2005), using high press temperature and time of postheat treatments, or using the acetylation method (Zhang et al.
Postheat treatment, however, gave satisfactory wet IB in 35F2C2.
All these two nanowires obtained by the above method were postheated in air atmosphere at 500-700[degrees]C for 2h.