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vb (tr)
to build beforehand
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Geoffrey Maddrell, chairman of the Bristol-based group, revealed that 4,276 new bed spaces are available for the current academic year, including 2,848 using the group's modular prebuild process which assembles units at a Gloucester plant and slots them into place like a jigsaw.
He wilt assume leadership for the prebuild assets and operations and will continue with his responsibility for the completion of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System (ANGTS).
"We were going to prebuild the office traits, but we wound up leasing the space as we went along so they ended up being built to suit the tenants," said David Ofman, an executive at the Lawrence Group who oversees leasing at the Woolworth Building.
"Twelve months ago ownership decided to divide and prebuild smaller units on the 22,000 square foot 27th floor," added Tom.
Landlords who have the foresight to break up open space into smaller units and prebuild them with the bare necessities (electricity, air ducts, lights, sprinkler systems, etc.) are successful for a few reasons.
It also pays to prebuild spaces so you can deliver turnkey offices to new tenants, who are increasingly wary of taking on the expense and effort of overseeing the build out of their own
Like most landlords, we seldom if ever prebuild spaces larger than 6,000 square feet.