

(priːˈplɑːnt) or


occurring before planting
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Preplant soil samples were taken at potato planting to confirm that supplies of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and calcium were adequate to avoid deficiencies; all soil tests showed adequate nutrient levels according to University of California guidelines (CDFA 2015; Lang at al.
In the Great Plains, wheat growers can choose to apply all N before planting or split N fertilizer between preplant starter and the midseason topdress.
uptake efficiency of preplant versus late-season application.
Gerik JS, Greene ID, Beckman P, Elmore CL (2006) Preplant drip-applied fumigation for calla lily rhizome nursery.
Controlling replant diseases of pome and stone fruits in Northeastern United States by preplant fumigation.
Rootstock selection, preplant soil treatments, and tree planting positions as factors in managing apple replant disease.
However, irrigation design in the preplant phase allows a grower to customize a system across a block, such as developing separate irrigation zones to address differences in soil water-holding capacity.
Approximately 25% of the fertilizer was preplant soil incorporated (granular 13-2-13) with the remainder was applied as liquid 8-0-8 delivered with a Dosetron daily through drip irrigation.
Weed control in pinto beans with pieplant incorporated or complimentary preplant incorporated/post emergence treatments.
TABLE 2: Effects of the preceding crop on preplant residual soil nitrate N (0-40 cm depth).