
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to prest: prestige, presto, Pinterest


obsolete prepared for action or use; ready
[C13: via Old French from Late Latin praestus ready to hand; see presto]


(Historical Terms) obsolete a loan of money
[C16: originally, loan money offered as an inducement to recruits, from Old French: advance pay in the army, from prester to lend, from Latin praestāre to provide, from prae before + stāre to stand]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Prest into my confidence; in truth without her I should have made but little advance, for the fruitful idea in the whole business dropped from her friendly lips.
Prest knew nothing about the papers, but she was interested in my curiosity, as she was always interested in the joys and sorrows of her friends.
Prest, was not so old, and she risked the conjecture that she was only a grandniece.
Prest had never happened to mention her to me, though I had spent three weeks in Venice--under her nose, as it were--five years before.
Prest, "but this corner has seemed to me before more Dutch than Italian, more like Amsterdam than like Venice.
Prest (it was covered with the golden glow of Venice) from the shade of our felze, and she asked me if I would go in then, while she waited for me, or come back another time.
Prest after a moment, provokingly, "perhaps after all they haven't any of his things.
Prest. "Juliana lives out of the world as much as it is possible to live, but none the less she has probably heard of Mr.
He no sooner read the name than he prest it close to his lips; nor could he avoid falling into some very frantic raptures, notwithstanding his company; but, perhaps, these very raptures made him forget he was not alone.
Secondly, let them be prest, and ready to give aids and succors, to their confederates; as it ever was with the Romans; insomuch, as if the confederate had leagues defensive, with divers other states, and, upon invasion offered, did implore their aids severally, yet the Romans would ever be the foremost, and leave it to none other to have the honor.
They mark'd him as he onward prest, With fainting heart and weary limb; Kind voices bade him turn and rest, And gentle faces welcomed him.
Mrs Prest, of Scholes, wrote on her Facebook page that she wouldn't know for certain what caused her daughter's death until a post mortem examination had been completed.