

vb (tr)
to visit beforehand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Previsit lab testing contributed to significantly more visits with complete information at the time of the clinic appointment.
Similar to prior research, sites in the CMS demonstration noted that EHR systems were foundational to implementing PCMH practices such as previsit planning and care plans, self-management support, population management, and monitoring of quality and performance data (O'Malley et al.
* Advancement of the clinic care team model, including physician extenders to expand capacity; standardization of previsit, visit and postvisit processes; and consistency of administrative and staff roles.
Previsit screening tools included in the new edition are aimed at assessing and prioritizing anticipatory guidance issues, Dr.
Integrating mental health into adolescent annual visits: Impact of previsit comprehensive screening on within-visit processes.
During the previsit telephone interview, potential participants had to self-identify as healthy, deny a history of diabetes, and report that they were black Africans born in Africa.
This cloud-based online system included a comprehensive previsit questionnaire completed by patients, as well as an encounter form to be completed by the clinician with patient input during the visit.
The first clue that there might already be links with Wales was when the dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Professor Kingo Mchombu, signed off a previsit email to me with the greeting "Cofion"!
(4-6) Moreover, a study of 824 patients who completed a previsit and postvisit questionnaire pertaining to their physician's consultation style showed that patients valued 3 elements of the office encounter: communication, partnership, and health promotion.
Previsit and on-campus experiences Before prospective students visit our campus for an event, digital marketing tactics encourage engagement.
Effects of a self-administered previsit questionnaire to enhance awareness of patients' concerns in primary care.
PBT, which has worked closely with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust throughout the process, assembled a pictorial previsit guide as an introduction to the theatergoing experience, and will offer a real-time opportunity to explore the Benedum Center, where the ballet will be performed.