

vb (tr)
to weigh beforehand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Quickly and carefully (to avoid spillage) close the lids and thoroughly dry and preweigh the tubes, recording the data in Table 1.
Previously weighed scaffolds were immersed in MEM cell culture medium in preweighed containers for known intervals of time.
Particles were collected on preweighed, 47-mm Savillex teflon filters (collection flow rate = 3 L/min).
Rat kidneys shock-frozen to the temperature of liquid nitrogen were powdered under liquid nitrogen and transferred into a preweighed vial containing 6 mL of pre-cooled 0.6 mol/L perchloric acid.
For FW, the contents of a flask were filtered through a preweighed Whatman No.
The ctenidium and other body tissues (excluding the shell) were then dried at 60 [degrees] C for 24 h on preweighed foil squares and weighed on a Mettler ARE-100 balance to the nearest milligram.
PDO and MEKP were added to a preweighed mixture of polyester resin, LPA, and styrene monomer, and after stirring, the mixture was stored below 5[degrees]C for future use.
10 wt.% PVA solutions were prepared by dissolving the preweighed amount of PVA in DMSO for 24 h at 80[degrees]C.
Each aliquot was placed onto 2 preweighed Whatman GF/C filters that had first been washed and heat treated at 450[degrees]C for l h.
Literature describes this supplier of custom single and multiple ingredient chemical blends in a preweighed and prepackaged delivery system.