

occurring before work starts
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Having just been a part of a large, unified electronic health record transformation at my health system, the suggested workflow the vendor promulgated was to do this "prework" from the rooming nurse's chief complaint information before even entering the room and taking a history from the patient.
1, hence the extensive prework required for consideration.
The flipped classroom model allows students to be introduced to concepts in prework in the form of readings, video lectures, or activities and "then come together to drive beyond the basics to develop skills that cannot be taught in a lecture" [2].
NGT is a five-step process whereby participants meet one another, generate ideas based on their prework review, share ideas with the group, discuss ideas, and vote and rank items based on original questions about the models.
The primary challenge to implement this approach is the extent of prework required.
The readiness of students can be assessed through review of a task (prework), which was assigned to them to complete before starting an activity (10).
Using exogenous BA with an exogenous BHB source may have tremendous value in a prework program where calorie management is also a concern.
This is part of the prework in recovery and rehabilitation.
Simulation-based education tends to be carried out in three distinct phases beginning with prework or briefing, followed by a hands-on/psychomotor or immersive experience, and culminating with a debriefing (Aebersold & Tschannen, 2013).