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Related to proso: Proso millet


(Agriculture) a type of millet, Panicum miliaceum, cultivated as a cereal and forage crop, esp in Asia and N America
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Ingredients * 1 cup proso millet * 2 cloves garlic minced * 1 inch ginger grated * 1 green chilli slit in half and seeds removed * 1 onion chopped * 1 cup red and green bell peppers and carrots mix * 1 tsp red chilli sauce * 2 tsp soya sauce * 1 tsp vinegar * Salt and pepper to taste * 1 tbsp oil Preparation Wash the millet in a fine sieve under running water.
Various types of millet crops produced around the world include pearl millet, finger millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet.
Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) was first domesticated in East Asia more than 10,000 years ago and is now one of the world's most important and ancient domesticated crops [1].
A study on proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), little millet (Panicum sumatrense), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and wild millet (Setaria glauca) showed that drought treatment before flowering contributed to a significant yield reduction in these four millets [91].
ABSTRACT: The ground samples of Pearl millet, Finger millet, Foxtail millet and Proso millet were evaluated biochemically and following nutrients were determined i.e.
Evaluation of the waxy endosperm trait in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum).
The coumaric acid of whole foxtail millet ranged from 61.91 to 334.60 [micro]g/g DW, accounting for 6% of the 6 kinds of phenolic acids, which were different with Chandrasekara and Shahidi [7] who showed that p-coumaric acids of Kodo, finger (Ravi), finger (local), foxtail, proso, little, and pearl millets were 698.67, 37.56, 39.81, 915.90, 1155.40, 1027.26, and 41.45 [micro]g /g of defatted meal, respectively.
Thompson, "Role of the pigmented seed coat of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in imbibition, germination and seed persistence," Seed Science Research, vol.
Cereal crops include paddy, wheat , maize , finger millet , buckwheat , barley, naked barley, Chino (Proso millet), and Kaguno (Foxtail millet).
To produce the snack, cranberry seed meal at 24%, 30% and 36% levels was included in formulations along with proso millet (a grass species used as a crop), tapioca starch, corn meal and salt.