
(redirected from puggie)




adj, -gier or -giest
NZ sticky, claylike
[probably from pug2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Also in among them are men known as "Brown" and "Puggie" posing for the camera at a wedding reception in the former Dowlais Club, West Bute Street in 1984.
WORDS such as "swallie" and "puggie" have been granted official slots in the 21st Century version of a Scots dictionary.
And it includes well-known words such as swallie, puggie, radge and cludgie.
'Scott's going to teach us how to play the puggie and win,' he said, excitedly.
"It's at Seagate Amusements - I'm on the wall of the puggies! It seems to have been pretty well received.
The thieves nicked cash from puggies in the Broadloan boozer during the raid before making off.
See the puggies and cartoon racing - ye've goat just as much chance on them."
Today's Choice baby wipes is out with new reusable containers and refills, a marketing ploy others are using,including Puggies, a new brand.
'Pull the plug on puggies altogether' MARTIN'S STORY RECOVERED gambling addict Martin Paterson welcomed the news that the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals will be reduced.
With the British Horseracing Association making noises about the levy being extended to the likes of fixed odds betting terminals - puggies to you and me - William Hill were quick to splutter their indignation about this "nonsense" situation.