

(Medicine) resembling or characteristic of pus
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References in periodicals archive ?
Adequate, positive Choi et al, (46) 2016 Overview Procedure-related parameters and microscopic findings, number of punctures (>3 per node), length of core tissue (>2 cm), the gross appearance of aspirates (puslike or anthracotic), and microscopic findings Criteria Tissue core in EBUS needle [greater than or equal to]2 cm Or malignant cells Or microscopic anthracotic pigment Or lymphocyte density >40 per 10 high-power fields, at X40 magnification Assigned Objective algorithm categories proposed for clinicians Abbreviation: HPF, high-power field.
The eye discharge in conjunctivitis may be clear (serous), mucuslike (mucoid), or puslike (purulent).
The ruptured abscess cavity contained puslike slough.
After sectioning the liver, he observed in the middle of the lesion a large cavum, which was filled with a yellow, puslike fluid.
Only if there is odor, oozing of yellow puslike material, or reddened areas around the cord in order to prevent infection