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1. physics obsolete relating to a theory which holds that matter formation occurred as a result of ether condensation
2. (Biology) biology relating to pycnosis
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Adj.1.pycnotic - of or relating to or exhibiting pyknosis
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Cell Apoptosis Studies: In the model group, there were a great quantitative numbers of pycnotic and apoptotic cells with concentrating nucleus which were deeply stained by brown-yellow color.
Furthermore, follicles were classified as either morphologically normal (follicles containing an intact oocyte and granulosa cells well organized in layers without pyknotic nucleus) or degenerated (oocyte with a pycnotic nucleus, retracted cytoplasm, or disorganized granulosa cells detached from the basement membrane) (22).
The carbonized region (necrosis) is characterized by the absence of the cores, whereas the coagulated region is characterized by elongated cells with pycnotic nuclei and homogenized cytoplasm.
Among the features observed in these damaged liver tissues necrotic cells with pycnotic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm were remarkably detected.
[1] Clitoral reduction and bilateral gonadectomies were performed and a pycnotic uterus was found.
For example, presence of blasts suggests leukemia, nucleated erythrocytes suggest hemolytic anemia or blood loss, hypersegmented neutrophils suggest vitamin [B.sub.12] or folic acid deficiency and neutrophils with pycnotic nuclei suggest myelokathexis.
The red blood cells were also damaged and had electron-dense cytoplasm and pycnotic nuclei (Fig.