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(Ecclesiastical Terms) a variant spelling of pie5
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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gave a farewell party in honor of Anne and Gilbert one evening at the home of Josie Pye, choosing that place, partly because Mr.
And they were all so nice and friendly and jolly -- even the Pye girls had their merits; at that moment Anne loved all the world.
I suppose it was the Pye receiver being hung up with profane energy.
Today, when you called me, I distinctly heard that queer clock of the Pyes' striking.
I got up yesterday spelling `ebullition.' Josie Pye was head and, mind you, she peeped in her book.
"Those Pye girls are cheats all round," said Diana indignantly, as they climbed the fence of the main road.
With resentful eyes and passion-red cheeks she confronted alike Diana's sympathetic gaze and Charlie Sloane's indignant nods and Josie Pye's malicious smiles.
In the midst of receipts for "Rabbits, and Chickens mumbled, Pickled Samphire, Skirret Pye, Baked Tansy," and other forgotten delicacies, there were directions for the preparation of several lotions for the preservation of beauty.
You'll have to hear all about Wantage, the birthplace of Alfred, and Farringdon, which held out so long for Charles the First (the Vale was near Oxford, and dreadfully malignant--full of Throgmortons, Puseys, and Pyes, and such like; and their brawny retainers).
As per the terms of the agreement, Harris Pye will supply five 40tph, horizontal, three-pass, and multi-tubular smoke tube boilers to what is expected to be one of the largest beet sugar production facilities in the world.
Pye will stand down at the end of November in order for a new chief executive to be appointed to "drive the next phase of Benchmark's growth and development." He will remain a non-executive director.
RESULTS - Under-17 men (4..5 kms handicap): 1 L Pye (Sun City Tri) 17:14; 2 C Trainor (Blay) 17:20; 3 D Melling (Morp) 17:35; 4 R Bennett (Morp) 17:44; 5 L Sheers (Blay) 17:46; 6 O Gabriele (Gosf ) 17:46; 7 J Anderson (Gosf ) 17:56; 8 J Green (Tyne) 18:00; 9 D Joyce (Tyne) 18:07; 10 J Fiddaman (Blyth) 18:12.