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a person who makes a quip or quips
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This was made possible through CDO-based school Little Me Academy's partnership with QUIPPER, a Japan-based, e-learning platform that gives learners a challenging and engaging digital curriculum that is also aligned to Philippine's K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.
This was disclosed by educational technology company Quipper, which noted that the Duterte administration's proposal to provide complimentary Wi-Fi connectivity in schools through the Department of Information and Communications Technology's 'Free Internet Connectivity in Public Places' project will benefit students, faculty members, and other school personnel.
Spenser still puts on the gloves and works out at the gym, is still the quintessential wise-guy quipper who banters with ceaseless bravado, and he still adores the brilliant, beautiful Susan Silverman, who still adores him.
In our comedy team, I am the quipper and Amanda is the storyteller, who retells the incident afterwards to an outside audience.
Some of the sources discussed include a collection of short stories--Wall Street Stories; a newsletter--the Pan Am Quipper; novels such as Bonfire of the Vanities and Up in the Air; a movie--The Method, and more.
Ever the streetwise quipper LaMotta told me when I phoned him at his Miami home before embarking on his UK tour: "Frank Sinatra always used to come to my fights - and ended up a winner himself.
"Do what?" gasps the largerthan-life, one-man comedy show and compulsive quipper. "Do you do any potting out?", I repeat.
That Man was Tommy Handley, the quickest quipper of 'em all, a genius who stamped himself into the nation's psyche as no other performer ever has.
Quipper, a Japan-based e-learning platform, has partnered with Little Me Academy to launch the Academe Philippine Online High School, the first online open high school in the country.
Quipper. My ever-reliable partner in assessing pre- and posttests is in constant upgrade to provide better, more efficient service to both teacher and learner.