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imp.1.imp. of Read, Rede.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In the present paper, we examine six species of voles with different habitat specialization including Microtus mongolicus Radde, 1861, M.
Al was grandfather to Jennifer (Marty) Remlinger, Ena Dallas, Joey Schneider (Val), Kelley Schneider (Mark), Allison Pate (Eric), Kristen Wagner (Ben), Elise Radde (Bill), Josh Mink, Sean Baker, Kacie Van Eck (Shane) and his eighteen great-grandchildren.
Poetes write wondirful liknessis, And vndir covert kepte hem silf ful cloos; Bestis thei take, & fowlis, to witnessis, Of whoos feynyng fables first arroos;-- And heere I cast vnto my purpoos Out of Frenssh a tale to translate, Which in a paunflet I radde & sauh but late (29-35) Inter alia, Lydgate in these lines describes what he sees as the distinctive techniques of the fabulist: "covert" manipulation and similitude, notions that reflect a principal theme of The Churl and the Bird.
30, 2015); Radde, "New Partnership Audit Procedures Will Have a Profound Impact," Tax Insider (Oct.
And what bu shalt profecie, how it was seide of benke bat she radde v shal telle Ysaie the profyt that a be.
While we wait for North Wales' Accentors to arrive, visitors here include a Black-browed Albatross off Bardsey on Sunday (where a Radde's Warbler was ringed at the Bird Observatory.
Jag har inte gjort nagot fel, men min advokat radde mig att erkanna punkten brott mot manskligheten for att kuima kohandla om de andra atalspunktema.
Triathlon statistician Thorsten Radde, who runs the website trirating.com, says at least one of the previous years' podium finishers has made it onto the next year's podium 87% of the time for both the men's and women's races.
In a more than one-hour-long video entitled 'Deterring the Apostates', radde al mortadin, a Saudi member of ISIS labels everyone, from Obama to the EU and Middle Eastern leaders, as apostates'.
Hering, "1942 Spatial Sense and Movements of the Eye English translation by C A Radde (Baltimore, MD: American Academy of Optometry, 1942) of "Der Raumsinn und die Bewegung des Auges"," in Handbuch der Physiologie, L.