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also ra·ya  (rä′yə, rī′ə)
n. pl. ra·yahs or rayah also ra·yas or raya
A subject of the Ottoman Empire. Used especially of non-Muslims.

[Colloquial Ottoman Turkish rāyā, variant of Ottoman Turkish re'āyā (Modern Turkish reaya), from Arabic ra'āyā, pl. of ra'īya, herd, flock, subject, rayah, from ra'ā, to pasture, feed; see rʕy in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈrɑːjə; ˈraɪə)
1. (Islam) (formerly) a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire. Also (less common): raia
2. (Historical Terms) (formerly) a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire. Also (less common): raia
[C19: from Turkish raiyye, from Arabic ra'iyah herd, flock]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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When the main characters of the popular Egyptian series Rayah Al Madam want to blend into a club, they put on blackface and worse oversized jerseys and bling.
La'Rayah Davis' father, Danaun Davis, expressed his sadness for the loss of his daughter.
Mahmoud Freihat and senior army officers, was greeted at Al Rayah parade ground at the Royal Hashemite Court with a 21-gun salute.
The actor presented his first drama performance in the series "Rayah el-Madam" alongside actor Ahmed Fahmy.
A worldwide hit was his cover of Ya Rayah, that dealt with the "working conditions and the way that immigrants are treated".
Natalie Preece with sons Logan and Riley and her partner Michaelee Emmett, who was murdered in 2014 and right, Natalie with her new baby Rayah Bumby FOUR years ago, Natalie Preece had it all.
Soon after, Natalie fell pregnant with baby Rayah. But she said she felt a certain stigma by moving on.
He said the crackdown on the first terror cell - known as 'Ar Rayah Member' and which cut across state borders - started with the arrest of the main suspect in Melaka on August 25, with the police then successfully nabbing the four other members on August 31 in Kelantan and Penang.
En 1998, l'artiste a rendu hommage a une panoplie de chanteurs magrebins dans son album Diwan, notamment a Dahmane El Harrachi et la fameuse chanson Ya Rayah, de Akli Yahyaten, Nass El Ghiwane, la voix singuliere de la chanson algerienne, Cheikha Rimitti.
The other members include Ali Salem Al Nuaimi, Sara AlShomali, Jassim Al Bulooki, Abdullah Al Yafei, Sara Al Fzari, Rayah Al Sereidi, Hamdan Al Khoori, Rashed S.