

vb (tr)
formal to affix (something) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It is a common forensic anthropological practice to refit and reaffix fracture surfaces in order to clarify trauma/fracture patterns.
Reinstall it on your firearm outside of your waistband, then reaffix it to your belt.
Chicks were recaptured often to evaluate health, and reaffix radiotransmitters (Whittier and Leslie, 2005).
These emendations are employed to reaffix Lucy's story to her mother's in a way that Rowson's text does not.
A parallel importer may repackage a proprietary medicinal product and reaffix the trade mark or even replace it with the trade-mark used in the market of destination, provided that re-packaging does not adversely affect the original condition of the product or the reputation of the trade mark and its owner.
The army and navy issued every private and seaman a sewing kit so they could affix these insignias and chevrons to their shirts and jackets, reaffix buttons, and mend holes in socks.
"The stone can be reaffixed, but there is concern that it won't stay in place because of its weight," the official said.
The title "Lord Chancellor" appears in the lower left corner; it has been excised and reaffixed to the document.
The US then reaffixed the goalpost at SW and forced Pakistan to launch a bloody operation where no outsider had ever defeated the local tribesmen.
Overnight while the child was sleeping, the badge was placed near his or her head, and then in the morning it was reaffixed to the clothing.