

vb (tr)
to change the date of (something)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Redate Investment Limited was allocated seven parcels on October 1, 1996.
The team also used an ultrafiltration method (Brown et al, 1988) to redate three of the bone cores.
Daca exista dileme privind interpretarea datelor si rezultatelor expertizei, acestea vor fi redate in raportul de expertiza medico-legala, respectand astfel, indirect, principiul prezumtiei de nevinovatie.
Since without them there is "no evidence" that Leo outlawed icons, she can redate Germanus's letter stating that Leo was no iconoclast to "the 730s" rather than the generally accepted date before 726, when other sources say Leo introduced iconoclasm (23-24).
Thanks to ANSTO and Monash University for providing funding to redate the Dabangai site.
"The only thing I can think of at present is if Birmingham can persuade King's Lynn to redate our proposed visit there on Wednesday, October 13, so we can return to Perry Barr that night."
'Once plants begin to redate chicken, they quickly lose control of it and chicken could be redated day after day, with no records being kept.
Rectifiant l'erreur, Bonaccorso redate la lettre du 9 janvier 1848 en donnant la raison suivante: "s'il ne l'a pas termine pour le jour de l'an, le chapitre ne devrait pas etre termine non plus le dimanche 2 janvier; mais on ne saurait aller audela du second dimanche, car autrement la crainte du 12 decembre n'aurait plus de sens" (I: 477).
Kathryn Gleadle would like to redate the emergence of the women's rights movement in Britain from the 1850s to the 1830s.
In fact, it was not uncommon for Roman quaestors (public fiscal authorities) to redate their official records after the fact, since at the time of a transaction's occurrence, the date may not have been clear.(7)
The majority of papyrologists agree with this date, others would prefer to redate it to the third century or even later.