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(Animals) any of various small cyprinid fishes of the genus Notropis, esp N. cornutus. They have reddish fins and are popular aquarium fishes
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The latest evidence that the impending arrival of Amazon's second North American headquarters has ignited a real estate frenzy came last week when the real estate brokerage Redfin calculated that the two housing markets bracketing Crystal City, the new home for Amazon's multiple offices, are the most competitive housing market in the nation.
Real estate brokerage Redfin (NASDAQ:RDFN) on Thursday reported that it will publish the commission offered to the buyer's agent for homes that a Redfin agent is hired to sell on
The lake plays a huge role in the life of the Asian population of redfin or red duck, which make up about 40% of the world population, during molting and after nesting migrations more than 20 thousand species gather here.
As previously reported, Craig-Hallum analyst Brad Berning upgraded Redfin to Buy from Hold as he believes the company is well-positioned for the increasing competition and digitalization of distribution channels that will enable consumers to demand greater service and drive the professionalization of the residential real estate agent industry.
A new survey by Redfin brokerage found that the majority of people [53 percent] support zoning policies that limit housing density near where they live, and 27 percent support policies that enable it.
Redfin (NASDAQ: RDFN) announces its next round of earnings this Thursday, August 1.
Homes get 3.4 times more online views the day they are listed than they do the day the seller drops the price, according to a new report from Redfin, a technology-powered real estate brokerage.
"Affordable" may not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of Charleston, but in at least one aspect it is, according to a study from real estate company Redfin.
Homes listed on Thursday tend to sell for more money and in less time than homes listed on other days of the week, according to areportfrom Redfin, (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.
It was listed and sold by Panagiota Papazaharias of Redfin Real Estate.
SEATTLE: Daryl Fairweather, Ph.D said Redfin joined its ranks as chief economist.