

(Ceramics) an iridescent glow or lustre, as on ceramic ware
[C19: from French: a reflection, from Italian riflesso, from Latin reflexus, from reflectere to reflect]
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Evenement cycliste caritatif classique, le Tour de Tuli aurait une tournure particuliere: l'evenement ultime du velo de montagne a attire un nombre record de coureurs internationaux, reflet de son attrait mondial et de l'ampleur de son impact au-dela de nos frontieres.
[beaucoup moins que]Ce n'est pas un choix, tout depend de l'inspiration et de l'imagination qui est le reflet de l'etat d'ame.
Cette initiative crea un effet boule de neige, car un groupe de jeunes de l'association locale "Fikra"(Idee) decida de marquer de son empreinte a la place publique "Mohamed Boudiaf" au centre ville de Djelfa, en y realisant une fresque murale de tout beaute, au milieu de laquelle trone majestueusement l'embleme national, reflet, pour eux, d'un amour illimite pour la patrie.
At the 25,000-acre Red Reflet Ranch in Ten Sleep, Wyoming, play cowboy or cowgirl during the day, riding horses and working cattle a and then sit down to a gourmet meal made of beef from the ranch's butcher shop and produce from the organic greenhouse and gardens.
Lancome |Hypnose Doll Eye Palette in Reflet D'Amesth, PS38, John Lewis, Barose used a new eye palette developed in collaboration with the Lancome Ambassadress, but you can recreate the look by layering the violet tones of the Reet D'Amesth palette and nishing with paler purple at the inner corner of the eye.
Lancome Hypnose Doll Eye Palette in Reflet D'Amesth, PS38, John Unite Second Day, PS15.80, Barose used a new eye palette developed in collaboration with the Lancome Ambassadress, but you can recreate the look by layering the violet tones of the Reflet D'A' mesth palette and finishing with paler purple at the inner corner of the eye.
com Eye Reflet PS38, Barose used a new eye palette developed in collaboration with the Lancome Ambassadress, but you can recreate the look by layering the violet tones of the Reet D'A'A' mesth palette and nishing with paler purple at the inner corner of the eye.