

vb (tr) , -flies, -flying, -flew or -flown
to fly (a plane, helicopter, etc) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Table 2 Summary of Petitioners in Constitutional Review Cases (Aug 2003 - Oct 2013) Petitioner Number of Number of Example Type Cases Petitioners Individual 312 1,389 Refly Harun Political party 125 863 Gerindra NGOs 144 497 Indonesian Farmer's Union Private business 37 108 PT.
It will be the first time the company "will attempt to refly both an orbital rocket and spacecraft" on the same mission, Musk said Thursday night.
Whorton, "UH-60 flight data replay and refly system state estimator analysis," in Proceedings of the 28th Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nev, USA, January 1990.
Missile Shot) Combine Performance/ECS Flights Maximize use of MSS King Air Flight Test (Refly Reduction) Schedule Acceleration Potential Savings Realized $1,000 Affordability Trades Realized--Baseline $3,100 (d) Total Should Cost Savings Total Potential Savings $3,100 Total Investment $0 FY12 IRST EMD Invest Return $K $K EMD Phase I Executed IRST EMD Contract (Roll-up) $12,500 (d) Fuel Tank Composition Reduce OEM Support (Flight Test) Savings Realized $12,500 EMD Phase II Schedule Acceleration (<Scope/POP) Potential Savings Realized $0 Flight Test & Gov.