

vb (tr)
to park (a vehicle) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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At night, she'll repark in a residential neighborhood and sleep in her 2004 Volvo.
The app enables users to unlock and repark bikes from any of the hubs using their smartphone or tablet and pay $2.50 per trip for 30-minute rides, or purchase a $60 seasonal membership for 90 minutes of ride time per day through November 2018.
If you need to stow packages while shopping, repark your car in a different location, away from anyone who could have been observing, says Det.
''We are increasing the parking space for them to more than the industry's average,'' said Hiroshi Matsui, director of the company's Repark Business Division.
If spending a leisurely couple of hours gallery hopping without having to repark the car sounds like a plan, head to the five-story building just east of Union Square, where more than a dozen of San Francisco's best-loved contemporary art galleries are clustered.
If students try to repark in a lot that was already full, they incur another $5 search cost ($10 total) and once again have the option of trying a third lot or going home to receive their home value.
yes!] COLONEL ta2 = colonelcy, corolline TOM tp = mot TOM ta1 = atom, moot, most, moth, omit, tomb TOM ta2 = comet, emote, moist, motel, motor, storm PARKER tp = repark PARKER ta1 = parkier, reparks, sparker PARKER ta2 = parroket, partaker, prefrank, sparkler
A candidate who rigidly enforced rules and forced the patient to repark the vehicle would receive minimum (one or two) points, according to the subject matter experts.
Excuse me, I have to go repark the car.") Drunk, Scrubbs catches Banion's condescending TV act and orders up an unauthorized abduction.
And she still failed to realise that she was on a film set when she reparked her car and strolled off again.
She loads the packages into the car, which the valet reparks. Then she returns the ticket to the customer, who resumes shopping.