

vb (tr)
(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) to staff (a workplace, department, etc) again or replace staff members in
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: restaffed
Gerund: restaffing

I restaff
you restaff
he/she/it restaffs
we restaff
you restaff
they restaff
I restaffed
you restaffed
he/she/it restaffed
we restaffed
you restaffed
they restaffed
Present Continuous
I am restaffing
you are restaffing
he/she/it is restaffing
we are restaffing
you are restaffing
they are restaffing
Present Perfect
I have restaffed
you have restaffed
he/she/it has restaffed
we have restaffed
you have restaffed
they have restaffed
Past Continuous
I was restaffing
you were restaffing
he/she/it was restaffing
we were restaffing
you were restaffing
they were restaffing
Past Perfect
I had restaffed
you had restaffed
he/she/it had restaffed
we had restaffed
you had restaffed
they had restaffed
I will restaff
you will restaff
he/she/it will restaff
we will restaff
you will restaff
they will restaff
Future Perfect
I will have restaffed
you will have restaffed
he/she/it will have restaffed
we will have restaffed
you will have restaffed
they will have restaffed
Future Continuous
I will be restaffing
you will be restaffing
he/she/it will be restaffing
we will be restaffing
you will be restaffing
they will be restaffing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been restaffing
you have been restaffing
he/she/it has been restaffing
we have been restaffing
you have been restaffing
they have been restaffing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been restaffing
you will have been restaffing
he/she/it will have been restaffing
we will have been restaffing
you will have been restaffing
they will have been restaffing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been restaffing
you had been restaffing
he/she/it had been restaffing
we had been restaffing
you had been restaffing
they had been restaffing
I would restaff
you would restaff
he/she/it would restaff
we would restaff
you would restaff
they would restaff
Past Conditional
I would have restaffed
you would have restaffed
he/she/it would have restaffed
we would have restaffed
you would have restaffed
they would have restaffed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
With cloud-based solutions, I didn't have to necessarily restaff in our building or even in our state.
We've used this time as an opportunity to restaff our operations and bring in quality people to support the team and our industry.
Gulf of Mexico remains shut due to Tropical Storm Lee, which is hindering efforts to restaff and restart oil and gas platforms in the basin.
More than half the crude production in the US Gulf of Mexico remains shut due to Tropical Storm Lee, which is hindering efforts to restaff and restart oil and gas platforms in the basin.
It's not that easy to reverse decades of doing things a certain way, and to retool, reinvest, and restaff for a new approach."
Restaff and retool "By failing to hire industry-savvy people, the SEC immediately sets their employees up for failure, and so it should not be surprising that the SEC has become a failed regulator." Markopolos recommended increasing the number of qualified professionals on staff with relevant financial backgrounds, such as CPAs, CFAs, CFEs, Certified Internal Auditors (CIA), and Chartered Alternative Investment Analysts (CAIA).
We can hope to go after next year's grant and if funding is secured, restaff the office," he said.
Although Jackson's freewheeling use of the presidential veto and introduction of the "spoils system" (which allowed the president to restaff the executive branch upon taking office) were met with howls of protest from Congress, both have come to be recognized as essential executive prerogatives.
'We're exploring all options as to how we will restaff,' he added.
The Chicago program has even begun to take on turnaround schools and restaff them with master teachers and graduates of the residency program, upgrading the quality of education for the system as a whole.