

vb (tr)
to stoke (a fire, flames, a furnace, etc) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
DOUG Shield (EU 'deal' is a surrender, Journal Letters, 25 February 25) sneakily seeks again to compare the EU to the Third Reich and restoke this grotesquely offensive "it's World War II all over again" line.
The bank has hinted that a reduction in the base rate to 0.25% could be on the cards at Thursday's Monetary Policy Committee meeting to restoke the Brexit-battered economy.
The bank have hinted that a reduction in the base rate to 0.25 per cent could be on the cards at Thursday's Monetary Policy Committee meeting to restoke the Brexit-battered economy.
It's not clear anyone other than national governments or the European Union have the financial heft necessary to restoke demand and unleash a new growth cycle.
LEE PICTON believes Wednesday's six-goal romp at Northern League second division side Heaton Stannington can restoke Blyth Spartans' promotion fire.
It is much easier to just turn a knob or flick a switch and get your heat than have to clean out, restoke and maintain a wood burner but looking at and maintaining a fire has a real therapeutic effect as well as saving 'pennies' and being environmentally-friendly.
HERE were some Tpositives that came out of 2011 and for me, the new Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet was one of them After almost a decade, the German company has helped to restoke our passion for open-top motoring - which had waned somewhat in the late Nineties - by introducing a brand new soft-top of VW''s iconic car.
On a parallel track, Brookings is working closely with the Twin Cities to restoke the region's recently sagging business startup rate, focusing on a so-called "entrepreneurship accelerator" to offer expert business advice, hands-on assistance, and easier access to capital.
The men's basketball team has a new coach, a low-key guy from Nebraska named Dana Altman who may need a few years to restock a depleted roster, install his system and restoke the flames of fan intensity, which were left smoldering at the end of the Ernie Kent era.
At night, we only use two pieces of our precious and expensive hardwood, so we don't have to get up in the wee hours to restoke.
The United States must also be careful not to restoke fears within Iran of the historic threat on its northern border previously supplied by the Mongols, Russians, and Soviet Union.