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vb (tr)
to utter or say again
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"With the Bosch Global Supplier Award, we pay tribute to our best suppliers around the world," said Andreas Reutter, head of supply chain management at Robert Bosch GmbH.
The initiative began with students wanting to help homeless individuals they saw in nearby Reutter Park.
Insurer Zurich North America has tapped Karen Reutter to lead its Construction unit.
Nach den Quellen herausgegeben von Michael Kube und Jochen Reutter. Fingersatze von Bela Bartok.
Si trattava di un componimento drammatico in un atto solo, destinato a essere messo in scena da membri della stessa famiglia imperiale (l'arciduchessa Maria Teresa, futura imperatrice, e Marianna insieme a una dama di Corte) con musica di Georg Reutter. (4) La vogue esotica aveva evidentemente coinvolto le famiglie regnanti d'Europa, al punto che il componimento festoso di Metastasio, dopo una modificazione strutturale, vedeva la sua fortuna alla Corte Spagnola nel 1749, a San Pietroburgo per l'incoronazione di Elisabetta I nel 1761, a Parigi nel 1759 e nella Real Villa di Queluz nel 1769.
Yet, little research has been conducted on public health nursing practices and policies related to the health of rural women in Canada (Leipert et al., 2008; Leipert & Reutter, 1998).
Jeff Reutter, who will, without fail, ask each speaker to take a few minutes to describe their path from their first interest in science to where they are now.
However, when present in birds, these papillae may be spread not only in the tongue epithelium, but also in other regions of the oral cavity (GANCHROW; GANCHROW, 1985; REUTTER; WITT, 1993).
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a satellite image showing a small but concentrated algae bloom centered right where Toledo draws its water supply, said Jeff Reutter, head of the Ohio Sea Grant research lab.
Reutter School in Franklinville, N.J., uses lessons from SUCCESS for Teens to inspire small-group activities, including discussion and role-playing exercises from the book.