
(redirected from revested)


tr.v. re·vest·ed, re·vest·ing, re·vests
1. To invest (someone) again with power or ownership; reinstate.
2. To vest (power, for example) once again in a person or an agency.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(often foll by in) to restore (former power, authority, status, etc, to a person) or (of power, authority, etc) to be restored
[C16: from Old French revestir to clothe again, from Latin re- + vestīre to clothe; see vest]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: revested
Gerund: revesting

I revest
you revest
he/she/it revests
we revest
you revest
they revest
I revested
you revested
he/she/it revested
we revested
you revested
they revested
Present Continuous
I am revesting
you are revesting
he/she/it is revesting
we are revesting
you are revesting
they are revesting
Present Perfect
I have revested
you have revested
he/she/it has revested
we have revested
you have revested
they have revested
Past Continuous
I was revesting
you were revesting
he/she/it was revesting
we were revesting
you were revesting
they were revesting
Past Perfect
I had revested
you had revested
he/she/it had revested
we had revested
you had revested
they had revested
I will revest
you will revest
he/she/it will revest
we will revest
you will revest
they will revest
Future Perfect
I will have revested
you will have revested
he/she/it will have revested
we will have revested
you will have revested
they will have revested
Future Continuous
I will be revesting
you will be revesting
he/she/it will be revesting
we will be revesting
you will be revesting
they will be revesting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been revesting
you have been revesting
he/she/it has been revesting
we have been revesting
you have been revesting
they have been revesting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been revesting
you will have been revesting
he/she/it will have been revesting
we will have been revesting
you will have been revesting
they will have been revesting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been revesting
you had been revesting
he/she/it had been revesting
we had been revesting
you had been revesting
they had been revesting
I would revest
you would revest
he/she/it would revest
we would revest
you would revest
they would revest
Past Conditional
I would have revested
you would have revested
he/she/it would have revested
we would have revested
you would have revested
they would have revested
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
Nebraska when title to such property can no longer be revested in such
lands that revested in the federal government following fraudulent land
In 1842, the government passed an act dictating that all Maroon lands be revested in Her Majesty for allotment to individual Maroons who were entitled to only two acres each.
Both feel the federal government has abandoned promises that go all the way back to the Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands Act, or O&C Act, of 1937.
(165) Equally, there are cases where entitlement to an asset, having earlier passed absolutely to the recipient, is regained or revested in equity in favour of a transferor at his election to exercise the equitable right to rescind a voidable contract.
Absent a special provision, the Debtor becomes revested with its assets.
To commence land reform, the tens of millions of acres the railroads stole should be revested because the owners have violated the terms under which they acquired them.
(2.) Cases involving Native American religious freedom include: The Taos Blue Lake legislation (PL91-550, 1970) which revested 48,000 acres of the Carson National Forest to the Pueblo de Taos Indians providing that the Indians(1) "use the lands for traditional purposes only" including religious ceremonials, and (2)that "the lands shall remain forever wild and shall be maintained as a wilderness as defined in section 2 (c) of the Act of September 3, 1964 (78 Stat.890); Badoni v.
Federal ownership in the Oxbow area is part of the revested O&C Railroad land included in Sen.
(253) When the railroad companies violated the terms of the 1866 grant, the grant lands revested to the United States.
As a result, Congress "revested" the remaining 2.6 million acres held by the railroad.