

vb (tr)
(Textiles) to weave again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In collaboration with the Telangana government it has started ReWeave centres in Pochampalli, Narayanpet and Koilagudem to market their products profitably.
As a result of these insights, Westin tapped Clean the World, best known for its soap recycling programmes, and Divergent Energy, to develop the hospitality industry's first system to collect, process and reweave the discarded linens into a new fabric for pajamas.
In addition to digital training, Project Reweave will also help weavers with working capital support to revive defunct looms and start production of the famed Narayanpet weave.
In her findings, Qui reports that Chinese women graduate students "reweave a fragmented self," and consistent with her weaving metaphor, Qui uses chapter 4 as her loom to thread together the interview data; in this chapter that comprises nearly half the text, Qui lets the participants' experiences yield a tapestry that is both simple and complex.
Our conversation was not about small questions, but the larger ones that community and faith leaders are faced with in the efforts we undertake to regenerate not only neighbourhoods, but reweave the very fabric of society.
She said: ``It is possible to reweave the canvass to produce invisible repairs.
Black Mountain, NC Wise Woman Ways of Herbal Medicine: Foundation Program: Reweave a deep connection with the plants, Earth, and yourself.
The thread of anti-Judaism is so deeply interwoven that we need to reweave the whole fabric in a new pattern.
Increasingly, we ask them to take a step further; and in the words of Attorney General Janet Reno, "Help to reweave the fabric of community."
I've tried to rebuild, restore, even reweave the fabrics I've collected, early coverlets, pieces of chintz and toile, bits and pieces," he says.
Something is wrong--terribly, terribly wrong--in this great land, they said, and it is time to reweave the tattered moral fabric of American civilization.