

Austral and US an unskilled labourer on an oil rig
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References in periodicals archive ?
Mendenhall CL, Moritz T, Rouster S, Roselle G, Polito A, Quan S, et al.
There are also several appendices quoting conversations between the rousted and the rouster. Photographs are included.
(10.) Sherman K E, Rouster S D, Chung RT, Rajini N clinical infectious diseases 2002;34(6):831-837
(27.) Mendenhall CL, Roselle GA, Grossman CJ, Rouster SD, Weesner RE.
[54.] Zucker SD, Qin X, Rouster SD et al.: Mechanism of indinavir-induced hyperbilirubinemia.
Before joining Metal Management, Rouster had served as president and chief operating officer of equipment supplier Wendt Corp., as an executive with the former Recycling Industries Inc., and as vice president of operations for David J.
TV credits included "Hey Vern, It's Ernest," "Roseanne," "The Simpsons,""The Rousters," "Alice," "Operation Petticoat," "Fernwood 2-Night" and "Pop Goes the Country."
Not only was Knoepfle interested in translation, but he also had embarked on an ambitious project to record the oral histories of men who had worked as captains, mates, rousters, etc.