
(redirected from Sabirs)
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(Languages) a pidgin language derived from French
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Dean Faculty of Biosciences Prof Dr Habib-ur-Rehman chaired the event while Chairman Sabirs Poultry Dr FM Sabir was the guest speaker and delivered a lecture on 'Antibiotic Free Production:
Sameena Chaudhary, 59, who is a friend of the Sabirs, said: "They are a very close family and Seema and Naveed often travel to Boston to see them.
In regard to origins, as opposed to the official Uralic, Finno-Ugric version, Hungarians descend either from Proto-Asian people(s) and/or Sumerians, Huns, Scythians, Parthians, Sabirs (60) or according to some newer theories--from primaeval Proto-European (Carpathian-Danubian) populations.