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n. pl. safe·ties
1. The condition of being safe; freedom from danger, risk, or injury.
2. A device designed to prevent accidents, as a lock on a firearm preventing accidental firing.
3. Football
a. A play in which a member of the offensive team downs the ball or is tackled or forced out of bounds behind his own goal line, resulting in two points for the defensive team.
b. Either of two defensive backs normally positioned behind the linebackers in the middle of the backfield.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ties
1. the quality of being safe
2. freedom from danger or risk of injury
3. a contrivance or device designed to prevent injury
4. (American Football) American football
a. Also called: safetyman either of two players who defend the area furthest back in the field
b. a play in which the offensive team causes the ball to cross its own goal line and then grounds the ball behind that line, scoring two points for the opposing team. Compare touchback
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈseɪf ti)

n., pl. -ties.
1. the state of being safe from the risk of experiencing or causing injury, danger, or loss.
2. a device to prevent injury or avert danger.
3. Slang. condom.
a. a football play in which a player on the offensive team is tackled or downs the ball in his own end zone.
b. an award of two points to the opposing team on this play.
c. a player on defense who lines up farthest behind the line of scrimmage.
5. a base hit in baseball.
[1250–1300; Middle English sauvete < Middle French. See safe, -ty2]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Feel as safe as a lone subway rider at 2 a.m. —Anon
  2. Feel as safe as guarded by a charm —Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  3. Looked as dangerous as a squirrel and much less nervous —Raymond Chandler
  4. The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artifical ones which will give him no pain or trouble —Henry Miller
  5. Nothing as safe as simplicity —Edith Wharton
  6. Safe and more or less invulnerable like sulky Achilles among Trojans —George Garrett
  7. (I thought I was) safe as a good new boat —Reynolds Price
  8. (They think they’re) safe as angels —Dashiell Hammet
  9. Safe as a nun in a roomful of eunuchs —Donald Seaman
  10. Safe as a tank town —W. R. Burnett
  11. Safe as houses —Mary Gordon
  12. Safe as in a cradle —William Wordsworth
  13. Safe as in God’s pocket —American colloquialism, attributed to New England
  14. Safe as sunshine —Slogan R. E. Dietz Co.
  15. Security … tighter than the skin on a snake —William H. Hallhan
  16. She’s safe as a vault —Raymond Chandler
  17. Squatting in safety like the yolk in an egg —Bertold Brecht
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Score (two points) made by the defense when it tackles the ball carrier in his own end zone.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditionssafety - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk"
condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
biosafety - safety from exposure to infectious agents
risklessness - safety as a consequence of entailing no risk
impregnability, invulnerability - having the strength to withstand attack
salvation - the state of being saved or preserved from harm
security - the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security"
danger - the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury; "you are in no danger"; "there was widespread danger of disease" - a safe placesafety - a safe place; "He ran to safety"  
area, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
harborage, harbourage - (nautical) a place of refuge (as for a ship) - a device designed to prevent injury or accidentssafety - a device designed to prevent injury or accidents
device - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water"
fender - a low metal guard to confine falling coals to a hearth
safety catch, safety lock - guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired - (baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safelysafety - (baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
hit - (baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball); "he came all the way around on Williams' hit"
home run, homer - a base hit on which the batter scores a run
bingle, single - a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
double, two-bagger, two-base hit, two-baser - a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base; "he hit a double to deep centerfield"
three-bagger, three-base hit, triple - a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!" - contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercoursesafety - contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse - a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line
score - the act of scoring in a game or sport; "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play"
American football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. security, protection, safeguards, assurance, precautions, immunity, safety measures, impregnability The report makes recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.
security risk, peril, vulnerability, insecurity, jeopardy, precariousness, endangerment
2. shelter, haven, protection, cover, retreat, asylum, refuge, sanctuary the safety of your own home
3. reliability, security, harmlessness, lack of side effects The safety of the drug has not yet been proven.
4. well-being, security, protection, safeness There is grave concern for the safety of witnesses.
"There is safety in numbers"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The quality or state of being safe:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أمْن، أمان، سَلامَهسَلامَة
sự an toàn


A. Nseguridad f
our primary concern is safetynuestra principal preocupación es la seguridad
for his (own) safetypor su seguridad
people worry about the safety of nuclear energya la gente le preocupa que la energía nuclear no sea segura
they helped the survivors to safetyayudaron a los sobrevivientes a ponerse a salvo
he sought safety in flightintentó ponerse a salvo huyendo
to ensure sb's safetygarantizar la seguridad de algn
safety first!¡lo primero es la seguridad!
there's safety in numberscuantos más, menos peligro
in a place of safetyen un lugar seguro
to reach safetyponerse a salvo
for safety's sakepara mayor seguridad
with complete safetycon la mayor seguridad
see also road B
B. CPD safety belt Ncinturón m de seguridad
safety catch N (on gun) → seguro m; (on bracelet) → cierre m de seguridad
safety chain N (on bracelet) → cadena f de seguridad
safety curtain N (in theatre) → telón m de seguridad
safety deposit box Ncaja f fuerte, caja f de seguridad
safety device Ndispositivo m de seguridad
safety factor Nfactor m de seguridad
safety glass Nvidrio m inastillable or de seguridad
safety harness Narnés m de seguridad
safety helmet Ncasco m de protección
safety inspector N (at workplace) → inspector(a) m/f de seguridad en el trabajo
safety lamp N [of miner] → lámpara f de seguridad
safety lock Nseguro m, cerradura f de seguridad
safety margin Nmargen m de seguridad
safety match Nfósforo m or (Sp) cerilla f de seguridad
safety measure Nmedida f de seguridad or de precaución
safety mechanism N (lit, fig) → mecanismo m de seguridad
safety net N (in circus) → red f de seguridad (fig) → protección f
safety officer Nencargado/a m/f de seguridad
safety pin Nimperdible m (Sp), seguro m (CAm, Mex)
safety precaution Nmedida f de seguridad or de precaución
safety rail Nbarandilla f
safety razor Nmaquinilla f de afeitar
safety regulations NPLnormas fpl de seguridad
safety valve Nválvula f de seguridad or de escape (fig) → válvula f de escape, desahogo m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= security) → sécurité f
safety first! → la sécurité d'abord!
there's safety in numbers → plus on est nombreux, plus on est en sécurité
(= safe place)
Survivors were helped to safety → On aida les survivants à se réfugier en lieu sûr.
At last we reached the safety of dry land → Nous nous trouvâmes enfin sains et saufs sur la terre ferme.
modif [device, equipment, feature] → de sécurité; [glasses, goggles] → de sécurité; [expert, advice] → en sécurité; [check] → de sécuritésafety belt nceinture f de sécuritésafety catch ncran m de sûreté, cran m de sécuritésafety chain nchaîne f de sûretésafety-conscious [ˈseɪftikɒnʃəs] adjprudent(e)safety curtain nrideau m de fersafety-deposit box n (US)coffre-fort m (à la banque)safety glass nverre f de sécuritésafety inspection ninspection f de sécuritésafety island n (US)refuge msafety lock nserrure f de sécuritésafety measure nmesure f de sécuritésafety net n
(for trapeze artist)filet m
(in difficult situation)filet m de sécuritésafety officer nresponsable mf de la sécuritésafety pin népingle f de nourricesafety razor nrasoir m de sûretésafety valve nsoupape f de sécuritésafety zone n (US)refuge m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nSicherheit f; in a place of safetyan einem sicheren Ort; for safety’s sakeaus Sicherheitsgründen; for his (own) safetyzu seiner (eigenen) Sicherheit; to walk the streets in safetyunbehelligt ausgehen; with complete safetyvollkommen sicher; I can say with safety that …ich kann mit Sicherheit behaupten, dass …; to play for safety (Sport) → auf Sicherheit spielen; (fig)sichergehen; (there’s) safety in numberszu mehreren ist man sicherer; to reach safetyin Sicherheit gelangen; when we reached the safety of the opposite bankals wir sicher das andere Ufer erreicht hatten; to leap to safetysich in Sicherheit bringen; to seek safety abroadsich ins Ausland in Sicherheit bringen; the government must ensure the safety of nuclear power plantsdie Regierung muss die Betriebssicherheit von Atomkraftwerken gewährleisten


safety belt
safety binding
n (Ski) → Sicherheitsbindung f
safety buoy
n (Naut) → Rettungsboje f
safety car
n (Motor Racing) → Sicherheitsauto nt
safety catch
n (on gun) → (Abzugs)sicherung f, → Sicherungsbügel m; was the safety on/off?war das Gewehr gesichert/entsichert?
safety chain
nSicherheitskette f
safety curtain
n (Theat) → eiserner Vorhang
safety expert
nSicherheitsexperte m, → Sicherheitsexpertin f
safety first
n to opt for safetyder Sicherheit den Vorrang geben; safety campaignUnfallverhütungskampagne f; “safety first” (as slogan) → Sicherheit geht vor“
safety glass
safety harness
safety island
n (US Aut) → Verkehrsinsel f
safety lamp
nGrubenlampe f
safety lock
safety margin
nSicherheitsmarge f
safety match
nSicherheitszündholz nt
safety measure
safety net
nSprung- or Sicherheitsnetz nt
safety pin
safety precaution
safety razor
nRasierapparat m, → Nassrasierer m (inf)
safety rope
nSicherungsseil nt
safety shot
n (Snooker) → Safety m
safety standards
plSicherheitsnormen pl
safety switch
n (Elec etc) → Sicherheitsschalter m
safety technology
nSicherheitstechnik f
safety valve
nSicherheitsventil nt; (fig)Ventil nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. nsicurezza
to reach safety → mettersi in salvo
in a place of safety → al sicuro
there's safety in numbers → l'unione fa la forza
safety first! → la prudenza innanzitutto!
for safety's sake → per (maggior) sicurezza
2. adj (device, measure, margin) → di sicurezza
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(seif) adjective
1. (negative unsafe) protected, or free (from danger etc). The children are safe from danger in the garden.
2. providing good protection. You should keep your money in a safe place.
3. unharmed. The missing child has been found safe and well.
4. not likely to cause harm. These pills are safe for children.
5. (of a person) reliable. a safe driver; He's a very fast driver but he's safe enough.
ˈsafeness noun
ˈsafely adverb
without harm or risk. He got home safely.
ˈsafety noun
the state of being safe. I worry about the children's safety on these busy roads; a place of safety; (also adjective) safety goggles; safety helmet.
ˈsafeguard noun
anything that gives security or protection. a safeguard against burglary.
to protect. Put a good lock on your door to safeguard your property.
ˈsafety-belt noun
a fixed belt in a car or aircraft used to keep a passenger from being thrown out of the seat in an accident, crash etc.
safety lamp
a type of lamp used in mines that does not set fire to any inflammable gases there.
ˈsafety measures noun plural
They took safety measures to prevent another accident
ˈsafety-pin noun
a pin that has a cover over its point when it is closed.
safety valve
a valve eg on a pressure cooker that opens if the pressure of the steam in it becomes too great.
be on the safe side
to avoid risk or danger. I'll lock the door just to be on the safe side.
safe and sound
unharmed. He returned safe and sound.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سَلامَة bezpečí sikkerhed Sicherheit ασφάλεια seguridad turvallisuus sécurité sigurnost sicurezza 安全 안전 veiligheid sikkerhet bezpieczeństwo segurança безопасность säkerhet ความปลอดภัย güvenlik sự an toàn 安全
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. seguridad, protección;
___ pinimperdible.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n seguridad f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.