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Related to sagy: MPLADS, TNPSC


adj, -ier or -iest
like or containing sage
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References in periodicals archive ?
Frances Dunn*, Stephen Darby, Robert Nicholls, Sagy Cohen, Christiane Zarfl, Balazs Fekete
In chapter 13, Adrian Downey and Gonen Sagy engage in a conversation that interrogates the purpose of education while discussing the contribution of Indigenous worldviews in education.
Reda, Judith Resnik, Elizabeth Schneider, Yair Sagy, Charles Sorenson,
[12.] Albores-Saavedra J, Batich K, Chable-Montero F, Sagy N, Schwartz AM, Henson DE.
Sagar Sagy, another resident in Oman, said, "Now that the road is fully open, I can't wait to use it and drive all the way from Qurum to Shinas."
,,The Status of Islam in the Halakhah of Maimonides," In Multiculturalism in a Democratic and Jewish State, edited by Menachem Mautner, Avi Sagy and Ronen Shamir, 465-476.
Ferguson, R., Barzilai, S., Ben-zvi, D., Chinn, C.A., Herodotou, C., Hod, Y., Kali, Y., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Kupermintz, H., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Sagy, O., Scanlon, E., Sharples, M., Weller, M.
It has also been associated with school satisfaction, self-efficacy, perceived competence (Sagy & Dotan, 2001), academic self-efficacy, and grades (Anderman, 2002).
The majority of studies on resilience have focused on persons with physical and psychological problems and/or disorders such as stress (Braun-Lewensohn & Sagy, 2013), spouses who died of AIDS (Yu, Chan, Zhang, & Stewart, 2016), transgender women (Perez-Brumer et al., 2017), anxiety (Nabors et al., 2013), coping and resilience (Tippens, 2017), trauma (Pooley, Cohen, O'Connor, & Taylor, 2013), resilience and mastery among HIVpositive older gay and bisexual men (Emlet, Shiu, Kim, & Fredriksen-Goldsen, 2017), quality of life of gay, bisexual men and people/persons living with HIV (PLHIV) (Remor & Ulla, 2002), and disclosure of HIV status and psychological well-being (Zea, Reisen, Poppen, Bianchi, & Echeverry, 2005).
[12.] Weinberger I, Rotenberg Z, Fuchs J, Sagy A, Friedmann J, Agmon J.