

(Animals) a South American monkey
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References in periodicals archive ?
In the meantime, the Kurdish-language Hawar news reported that a bomb blasted near Sajou square in the town of Azaz in Northern Aleppo, injuring at least 6 children.
Ginevra has a life-long love of crafting, colour and natural materials, and stocks a wide range of designer names such as Rowan, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Natural Dye Studio, Noro, as well as quilting fabrics by Amy Butler and Kaffe Fassett, and embroidery materials by DMC and Sajou.
Leo Sajou, she founded La Revue du Monde Noir [The Black World Review] (1931/32), which became the center of black cultural activity in Paris.
People in the towns of Kafr Kalbin, Kaljabri, Sajou and Azaz region staged vast strikes, calling for dissolution of local councils in their regions.
Clashes were intensified between the Ankara-backed militants of Sultan Murad group with Ahrar al-Sham and al-Shamiyeh Front near the Sajou camp three kilometers North of Azaz.
In the well-known ruling regarding Pichon and Sajous vs.
By the end of the evening, we learn more than we want about Greenberg but virtually nothing about the Shirelles, only one of whom (Christina Sajous) is given enough dialogue to differentiate her.
Northboro: Alexandra Cook (H); Marie Sajous; Erika White
Other investors who hold mortgages include Bill Gianopolos of Lawrence, Mass., who owns 5.1 percent of the stock and has a $602,000 claim on the property, and Dorothy Sajous of Andover, Mass., who is owed $380,000 on her mortgage.